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Frankenstein ki Dulhan (Limited Edition)


Only 2 in stock.


An ode to Universal Pictures and Hammer Films horror movie posters featuring Pakistani superstars from the 50s and 60s. Frankenstein ki Dulhan stars Madam Noor Jahan.


A limited edition two colour screen print with glow-in-the-dark elements, printed on starch white speckletone French Paper.



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The lead role of The Bride of Frankenstein is given to Madam Noor Jahan. Famous for her beauty, astounding singing voice, acting ability and also directing skills, Noor Jahan was a powerhouse in Pakistani cinema. As the haunting Bride, she stalks the streets of Lahore to end up on the top of the Minar-e-Pakistan for a climactic end.

Additional information

Weight 1 kg
Dimensions 11 × 17 in